Gina Lisa Lohfink – From GnTM to your own dating site


You can Gina Lisa Lohfink of a lot: the almost pathological addiction to attention, her taste in make-up or the breasts that are inflated to oversize with silicone.

However, one thing cannot be said with certainty: that the lady does not know how to make money. At the beginning the GnTM fame could be converted into cash, but later a relationship with a footballer was needed for appearances on the red carpet.

Now that this option has also disappeared, Ms. Lohfink has discovered online dating for herself. She supports the website academy180° , which dating tips and coaching to men who have previously had difficulty in this matter.

Gina-Lisa Lohfink (2012)
Gina-Lisa Lohfink (2012)
BKC Consulting. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0 de via Wikimedia Commons

Before the site even launched, there was already a lot of advertising on social networks. Since you are probably not one of Gina Lisa Lohfink's followers, here are the most important promises:

The main purpose is to prepare men perfectly for an upcoming date, so that they too can be seen with a “hot pearl” on their side the next time they stroll through the city. While the main focus here is clearly on men, membership for women is also offered.

Academy 180° is a well-structured site and leaves you wanting more, but is it really worth the €69 basic membership?

In their online postings it is primarily pointed out that the site is a complete package, which has tips and advice on dates but also on lifestyle and the like and is intended to ensure more (fun) sex afterwards.

Among other things, a “pick-up artist” (ie seduction artist) is available, i.e. an expert for everything that concerns the topics just mentioned. In fact, the site looks quite professional and offers interesting tips for dating, flirting, clothing style, etc.

But should they really invest the 69 (coincidence?;)) or is the money better off with the competition? A closer look reveals that it is primarily classic and well-known assistance, but packaged in a modern way.

Gina-Lisa Lohfink (Mallorca, 2011)
Gina-Lisa Lohfink (Mallorca, 2011)
Photo by Zeno Bresson [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

The main purpose of the advertising face Gina Lisa is to attract customers or at least arouse interest in the site. Even if they are looking for a level, their choice here is probably wrong. It's more about fast sex, excessive lifestyles and well-heeled businessmen who want to give their sugar babies a nice wellness weekend or expensive jewelry.

However, if that's what you're after, academy 180° could perhaps even compete with the previous market leaders in this segment and be an option for you too.

Our conclusion

Overall, the site is certainly not that bad and should not be considered a rip-off. The content of the coaching is based on tried and tested methods and the assistance of an experienced pick-up artist can also be seen as beneficial.

However, in our opinion, the guides provided are probably not necessarily worth the full 69 euros. Even the prominent advertising face cannot hide this fact. But form your own opinion!

We look forward to your comments and experiences!

34f68903fafa413497516072cd7a0007 Gina Lisa Lohfink - From GnTM to your own dating site

Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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