Escort Service – insights into the flourishing escort agency industry


Everyone knows that they exist: the women who make themselves available to an escort service, usually to accompany well-off men on various occasions and then together in bed - or whatever unusual places the customer may wish for land.

But who are the women who offer such a service? And what motivation drives you to try out this service more than just once, but to stay permanently listed in the database of one of the many escort agencies and be booked?

Equally exciting is the question of what type of customers an escort lady spoils and what their concerns are - in addition to pure sex, which could also be purchased without the special services of an escort.

Escort – what makes this profession special?

Is there a difference between prostitution and the services of escort ladies ? Viewed quite objectively, this means that a customer not only books sexual services from an escort lady, but also a get-together, conversation, flirtation and conversation with a lady. There is also an area of ​​the escort business in which no sex is included in the booking.

However, this will be clarified in detail with the agency before booking an escort lady. And even if sexual exchange is to be included, the agency clarifies with its customer what specific wishes they have and finds a suitable lady.

In the ideal case, this not only offers a remarkably attractive appearance, but also entertainment at a high level, being able to move around in style in the theater or at a banquet and thus not only provide the customer with a decorative companion, but also at eye level .

Often, escort ladies – like at Escort Hannover – have a good education or are in the process of acquiring it as students.

Not necessarily in bed at the end of the evening

In addition to this non-mandatory requirement, what is probably common to everyone involved, both the customer and the escort, is that a certain preference for luxury of any kind exists or at least is lived out on this special evening of booking.

Whether this concerns chic clothing, expensive perfume, such wine and going out to exquisite restaurants or the accommodation, all of this is usually of a quality that the average person rarely experiences in their life.

And as a retreat for physical contact, a hotel is almost always booked anyway, and it rarely lacks service and quality.

While all of this is a huge difference from an appointment at a brothel that is purely about sex, the list of differences has not yet reached its end. Because even if you get into bed together, it doesn't have to be just about sex.

Some customers would like to have more intimate conversations here, perhaps get an extensive massage or simply - in fact, this is more common than you would initially think - talk about their problems. The fact that sex then occurs is the small intersection between pure prostitution and the offer of an escort.

Why does a woman become an escort?

Let's start with the question of the motivation on the woman's side . Of course, every person and every woman is different, and the weighting of the individual motivational factors will be different for everyone. However, the following basic motivations can be identified.

Escort Service - insights into the flourishing business of escort agencies
Escort Service - Insights into the thriving escort agency industry
Photo by Rafaella Mendes Diniz @rafaelladiniz, via Unsplash

First of all, it is of course the appeal of the forbidden that is tempting for many. However, this is only likely to play a larger role at the beginning of a career as an escort. Then it comes into play that these women certainly have their own desire to have fun with different partners and to be able to live this out in a pleasant - namely remunerated - way.

After all, there is something interesting and lovable about almost every man, so the customer's appearance fades into the background. If you don't succeed in arousing a spark of passion in the escort, she can, unlike in a brothel, cancel the customer or the date.

Which in turn is a bit of freedom that providers of escort services can enjoy that is not possible for an ordinary prostitute.

Then there is the fact that the clientele of the escorts is of course much more upscale than in a whorehouse or other erotic establishment. This is ensured by the prices alone, which usually start in the low three-digit range and can quickly reach four figures for an overnight date.

This means that escort ladies have fun with a customer who is usually older but also well-heeled. Which in turn provide access to a world of luxury that would probably remain closed to women without this activity - even if they themselves can demonstrate a certain level of success in their professional lives.

Men's motivations

It is probably a truism that every man still feels flattered by the presence of an attractive woman who at least appears to be interested in him. But of course there is usually more to men's use of the services of an escort agency than purely visual pleasure.

Of course, escort ladies often offer sexual practices that a customer does not receive from his partner. Be it anal pleasures or other wetter games than “usual”, be it role plays or sado or maso pleasures.

All of these sexual excesses are not the core of dealing with an escort, but rather the following aspects.

Illusion of a real flirt and seduction

An escort is much more than a sexual playmate that, as mentioned, you would also find in a brothel. The lady flirts with her customer, if the chemistry is right, is funny and has a good time, in short: Here the customer is shown a bit of infatuation or an affair, which is usually what they were looking for.

It's not just going to bed, you're getting to know each other a little, playing through all the teasing that goes into real flirting and real seduction.

Even if the escort lady has just created a fake identity in which she studied at the Sorbonne and is looking for a sugar daddy, this appearance is maintained for the duration of the date and conveys a bit of the reality Conquest for the customer.

Conclusion on the spicy job as an escort

So you can see from the complex experiences listed above that you can have with an escort that they are much more than prostitutes - but that's usually what they are.

For women it is often an opportunity to not only earn very good money with comparatively little time investment. They also gain entry into spheres of social life that might otherwise remain closed to them.

For men it is often a much more pronounced illusion of a flirtation with a sexually successful end than could ever be the case with a pure prostitute. And they also reach spheres, here in relation to the physical attractiveness of their companions, which would otherwise be denied to them given their usually advanced age.

The client and escort exchange a lack of sexuality or certain forms of it for a lack of money and luxury - with the result that both feel better afterwards than without these amenities. Which is why the steady increase in models and providers in the escort agency sector is hardly surprising.

Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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