Bacterial vaginosis – symptoms, prevention and therapy


This report is about an important issue, especially for women. We would like to dedicate ourselves here to providing information about the disease “bacterial vaginosis” .

Even if we don't like to deal with such topics, it is still important to deal with them because this way you can protect yourself from them and be informed about the risks.

Bacterial vaginosis refers to a pathological change in the vaginal environment. This shifted bacterial balance in the vaginal flora is usually caused by a heavy colonization of the bacterium Gardnerella vaginalis. Bacteria that do not normally occur there settle in the vaginal flora.

This article offers you a compact overview of this still relatively unknown disease. Detailed and further information can be found here


The symptoms of bacterial vaginosis are not the same for all women. However, increased vaginal discharge and an unpleasant, usually fish-like intimate odor are characteristic.

Affected women often notice grey-white and thin or foamy vaginal discharge, which can also smell sweet.

Skin irritation and itching can also occur in the outer vaginal area. In a few cases there is pain during intimate intercourse or when urinating. An increased pH value of the vaginal flora is also a characteristic of bacterial vaginosis.

Bacterial vaginosis does not always have to cause symptoms. In over a third of affected women it occurs without symptoms or symptoms.


Bacterial vaginosis is diagnosed by a doctor if at least three of the four listed findings can be detected after an examination (gynecologist):

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  • Increased pH value (greater than 4.5) of the vaginal flora
  • The vaginal discharge smells fishy
  • Appearance of a thin, foamy, gray-whitish to yellow vaginal discharge

  • , so-called key cells can be detected under the microscope in at least


Make regular check-up appointments with your gynecologist. This will help you avoid possible complications, such as the infection moving to the upper genital areas.

Vaginal hygiene is an important aspect of preventing bacterial vaginosis. Excessive vaginal hygiene (e.g. through vaginal douching) can have an unfavorable effect on the pH value of the vaginal flora and can have harmful effects by making it easier for germs to colonize.

The pH value is kept constant if you regularly care for the intimate area with only lukewarm water. Women can also use special washing lotions that are adapted to the pH value of the vaginal environment.

Regular precautions protect you
Regular precautions protect
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Bacterial vaginosis can also be caused by sexual intercourse. You can reduce this risk by using condoms, because men's intimate areas can also be colonized by various bacteria. Your sexual partner can unknowingly spread these bacteria, as most men do not experience any symptoms.

Psychosocial stress is also considered a risk factor. If you have a lot of everyday stress, counteract it with exercise and relaxation techniques.


Once a diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis has been made, treatment is usually carried out medically, with antibiotics. These are usually used in the form of vaginal tablets or suppositories.

Other treatment options include administering lactic acid or vitamin C to rebuild the natural vaginal environment.

The duration and intensity of treatment depends on the severity of the disease.

I hope this post has provided some insight and allayed your fears of this condition by providing prevention and treatment measures. We women have a responsibility towards our bodies. The better we know him, the easier it is to act correctly in difficult situations. To do this, you sometimes have to deal with unpleasant or uncomfortable topics. Our health will thank us.

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