Why women like alpha men


You’ve probably heard the saying “women like assholes .

Of course, this saying shouldn't be taken literally, but it's a step in the right direction. In principle, it's not about being an asshole directly, but rather about exuding a self-confident demeanor, which in turn can come across as an asshole behavior to others.

Alpha male phenomenon
Alpha male phenomenon
© sharpshutter22, via Fotolia

This strong sense of self-confidence is the reason why women find us men so sexy and attractive. So as a man you have to know exactly what you want and stand with both feet in life. What women definitely don't want are men who behave like “daydreamers” .

As an alpha male, you are the “rooster in the basket” or the “leader of a wolf pack” if we were to compare this behavior to the animal world.

Have clear goals in life

An alpha male has clear goals, has both feet in life and knows what he wants to achieve both professionally and privately. He is not a “talker type” but above all a “doer” who achieves his goals.

An alpha male doesn't let anything get him down and always finds a solution to every problem. This is also the reason why many male entrepreneurs tend to conform to this alpha status.

Don't chase a woman

If you are an alpha male, don't chase any woman. Women like to be conquered, but not when they become an annoying “appendage” . If you are an alpha male, you live with the attitude: “If not this woman, then the next one.”

Pay attention to your appearance

As an alpha male, you pay particular attention to your appearance. That doesn't mean you should wear expensive designer clothes, but it doesn't mean you should wear your last shirt either. Because women like well-groomed men.

An alpha male also pays a lot of attention to his physical fitness, which doesn't mean that you should look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. (Most women don't find this attractive, by the way). It's more about signaling that you are doing something for your health and physical fitness.

Be a leader

As an alpha male, your demeanor will always stand out in a larger group. Which doesn't mean you become a group clown. Others will do that for you. It's more about being the center of attention and being the leader of the group through subtle but self-confident behavior.

You can see a classic example of alpha male behavior in the film “Fast & Furious” by actor Vin Diesel, who clearly has the alpha role as Dominic Toretto.

Learn to approach women and flirt

Alpha men usually have no problems approaching a woman. Therefore, free yourself from the pressure to seduce the woman of your dreams that evening, but see the flirting as more than a game and take it easy when faced with a basket.

As an alpha male, you know full well that there is another woman on the next corner who wants to talk to you. Most men set their goals far too high and are then disappointed when they don't achieve their goal.

Stand by what you have

As already mentioned, being an alpha male doesn't mean that you have a big bank account or a fancy sports car in the garage. It is much more important that you stand by what you have and deal with it openly.

This also means, for example, that you don't feel envy, but instead perceive other people's things as inspiration and use this inspiration to set new goals.

If you see men who seem to only possess a woman because of her money, then it usually doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the money, but rather because the man has a greatly increased self-confidence due to all the money, which in turn is attractive affects women.

Of course there are also exceptions.

I hope we were able to give you a little insight into the world of an alpha male. If you would like to find out more about this topic, visit www.alpha-mann.net .

There you will find more tips on becoming an alpha male and how to deal with women correctly.

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