5 things that make a man less attractive


Attractiveness is the key to success with the opposite sex. However, it is wrong to assume that it is only about the sum of external characteristics and appearance. There's a lot more to it than just a pair of well-toned abs, sparkling white teeth, a symmetrical face and the latest fashion.

This is quickly forgotten, but it plays a crucial role if you, as a man, want to end up with the girls. Attractiveness is a holistic attribute, meaning it is made up of our entire being. This also includes our traits, our behavior and our way of life.

This may sound a little complicated, but you can give your attractiveness a huge boost with a few surprisingly simple tips.

Attractiveness men tips
Men have their attractiveness in their own hands
© closeupimages, via Fotolia

A fundamental and commonly seen problem with men is that they unknowingly sabotage their own attraction to the opposite sex.

Women pay attention to certain things in our behavior, and if you do poorly on those things, then your chances are zero. This doesn't have to be the case, especially if these harmful traits can be switched off quickly and easily.

I will now show you the 5 biggest saboteurs of your attractiveness and tell you how you can easily expose and eliminate them. You will be amazed by the results.

1) You are too passive

One of the worst things you can do to improve your attractiveness is... nothing.

Let me explain this briefly.

One of the most common themes in tragic romance stories is when a person is madly in love with another person but never dares to tell them or make their feelings known. Various, supposedly good reasons are given as to why it is not possible to reveal one's feelings, why it is better to continue to wallow in longing in silence.

Let's be clear here... there are always some fake reasons not to do something. The fear of rejection and disappointment usually plays a role in these considerations. But the fact is, if you don't do anything, you've already failed and you'll never get there. Hoping that fate will bring the two of you together or that the person you love will come to you out of the blue and confess their love to you will not get you anywhere.

The fear of rejection is in all of us. It is also understandable. But you decide how you deal with this fear and whether you face it. It is much easier to live in the fantasy of hoping that fate will work out for both of you at some point than to take the reins into your own hands and accept the risk of failure. But in most cases it remains this fantasy that never becomes reality. So take heart and try your luck.

The hard truth about this type of avoidance is that it is (un)consciously perceived by women and makes you appear very unattractive. Women don't want men who just sit there and do nothing, give reasons for it, and continue to constantly complain that things aren't going the way they want or expect. The longer you sit there, the sadder it becomes - and worse - the more it manifests itself in your thoughts.

So take the first step towards becoming a man of action! You will quickly notice how this active attitude increases your attraction and your chances with the opposite sex. And if it really doesn't work out with the one you love, then you can put an end to it and be open again to all the ladies who may have already noticed you. There is more than one fish swimming in the pond!

2) They smell unpleasant

A topic that people don't like to talk about and you might also think that this topic is self-evident and doesn't need to be discussed. However, hygiene and pleasant smell far too often neglected by men in everyday life.

The sense of smell is a powerful sense and is extremely closely interwoven with our memory and emotionality. Some researchers even say that you can even find out the genetic compatibility of two people through smell. It's not for nothing that the popular saying “smells good” .

So assume that for women, the sense of smell plays a major role in choosing a partner and whether you are attracted to a man or not. We also associate a pleasant and fresh smell with health, fitness and even social intelligence.

Take advantage of these circumstances! Pay attention to sufficient personal hygiene and use fragrant shower gels, shampoos and deodorants . A spritz of the right perfume can also be useful. On the other hand, you shouldn't overdo it and smell like you have a whole spray can of Ax on your body.

If you are unsure about the right scent for you, ask women for their advice. They will definitely be happy to give you good advice.

Finally, don’t forget your breath . Be careful not to smell unpleasant from your mouth, as this could quickly bring a date to an unexpected end.

3) They play games

There is a saying from the world of dating that goes: “If you want to be considered popular, make yourself rare!

This is a dating game in which you try to increase your own value in the eyes of your potential partner through clever tactics. It's a kind of power game in which you hide or downplay your interest in the other person in order to gain control over the relationship.

So-called pick-up artists also rely on the technique of “negging” (neg=negative compliment) to reduce the other person’s self-confidence and thus build up more dominance. It is demonstrated that you do not have to rely on the goodwill of others and that you do not “beg” . In doing so, you artificially increase your own social position compared to your potential partner. This is a kind of “status game” in which you pretend that you are difficult to have.

While such techniques and games can certainly lead to success if you're looking for a quickie, you should avoid them if you're seriously looking for a partner.

The problem with this kind of behavior is that you see relationships as an ongoing power game and a constant struggle for control. It's easy to forget that an adult relationship is more about building a strong emotional bond with each other.

So rely on power and dominance games when flirting, signal to your flirting partner that you are not really looking for an equal partner, but for someone you can control and subjugate. Let's be honest here: this doesn't reflect very well on your character. It makes it clear that you're not really interested in other people, just what you can get from them. So a clear sign of a lack of respect for other people.

Realize that the vast majority of women - who are interested in a serious relationship - will find such behavior unattractive and even disgusting and even pathetic.

4) They dress up

Singles exchanges have been around for many years now. Data collectors and statisticians therefore had a long time to evaluate a wide variety of data and relationships. One of the results that will perhaps surprise you most shows us that it is very important to use photos on dating portals that clearly highlight your individual character traits, characteristics and external peculiarities. This may sound a bit counterintuitive, but it can be proven by numbers.

What this means to you is that you shouldn't try to present yourself in a certain light just to cover up something or to look like all the other polished profile photos. Make it clear that you are not registered on this platform to win a popularity contest, you are not looking to get the most votes for your ego, but you are looking for a suitable partner.

Men score points with individuality
Men score points with individuality
© gpointstudio, via Fotolia

Studies have shown that photos that had very individual characteristics ultimately attracted the most attention from the opposite sex. If you have something that sets you apart from the crowd, then you will be polarizing. And that means more attention and a higher probability of receiving letters and replies. You may not please every woman, but you will leave a lasting impression on the women who notice you. You have a stone in the board, so to speak.

5) You have a lousy attitude

This point is the most important of all. You have certainly heard of the so-called “halo effect” . Simply put, this social/psychological phenomenon means that we evaluate another person more favorably if we have a positive attitude towards them and positive feelings for them. This means that we evaluate a person's qualities and character traits better when we like him. Conversely, we devalue characteristics of people we don't like.

When we read or hear about the halo effect in the media, it's usually about external things. For example, we judge good-looking people to be more intelligent, talented, and happier than less good-looking people. This phenomenon has been sufficiently researched and documented.

“Bad Boys” in particular also make use of the halo effect. They attach enormous importance to their external appearance and their impact on other people. This makes them appear to many women to be better and more attractive people than they actually are.

What applies to external appearance now also applies to our behavior and the attitude that underlies it. But our behavior is much more difficult to change than our appearance.

But it's worth it because a positive attitude towards life and strong character traits make you appear more and more attractive the more a person gets to know you, regardless of your appearance. Ultimately, it weighs more than your appearance and, above all, is more sustainable. So make sure that you keep a positive attitude and don't have any illusions that you can pretend. Women notice in the smallest things when we are chronic pessimists or constantly feel betrayed by fate. It starts with the tonality in the voice. So we can't possibly completely pretend.

If you now want to increase your attractiveness, then work on your basic attitude towards life. Stop constantly complaining that fate is not being kind to you and take the course of life into your own hands. Take responsibility for your actions and develop a clear plan for your life. Realize that you are the smith of your own destiny. If you don't decide it yourself, someone else will do it for you. Also work on dealing with setbacks and defeats more constructively. These are just a part of our lives and there are numerous positive aspects to them. You can learn from them, you can correct your course and take the opportunity to improve your skills. Say to yourself: “If the day wasn’t your friend, at least it was your teacher.”

The women around you will not miss this positive change and the new presence they radiate. They will see you with new eyes and find you increasingly attractive.

You don't have to walk the path to becoming more attractive alone

It's one thing to deal with this topic and get tips and information. However, applying these and integrating them sustainably into your life can certainly be associated with difficulties and hardship. If you don't want to go this route alone and don't want to miss out on professional assistance, you can hire a private flirt coach to help you www.royalcampus.de offers effective and highly successful support when it comes to flirting and finding a partner .

We wish you much success and a successful transformation into a man who will exert an enormous pull on the female sex through his attractiveness and magnetism.

162293b70238408f8bd99d0b73a4dede 5 things that make a man less attractive

Joachim D.https://www.dating-vergleich.com
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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