Sex with a real doll – masturbation at a high level


A revolution is taking place in eroticism. Sex dolls are gaining more and more acceptance among men and women. They offer fun almost like having real partners.

Sex with a real doll - masturbation at a high level
Best Selling Real Doll Brand: WMDOLLS

What are Love Dolls?

Sex dolls , also love dolls or real dolls , have nothing to do with the cheap inflatable rubber dolls that are still available in some sex shops. At first glance, sex dolls can hardly be distinguished from a living woman or man.

They have the same size, weight and proportions and have an internal skeleton. Even vital functions such as breathing, pleasurable moans and body heat are imitated.

Love dolls develop from toys into highly complex robots. There should already be prototypes that can move and are equipped with artificial intelligence. You can talk to these real dolls like you would with a real person.

The hype in Japan

Fewer people are getting married in Japan than ever before. Among 50-year-olds, one in four have never had a family. However, the demand for sex dolls is extremely high, so some Japanese prefer to spend their free time with lifelike dolls instead of with their partners.

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Why do men have sex with a real doll?

There are many reasons for that. One of the most important is that sex with a love doll feels almost like real sex. The whole body is involved in this. Men who have had such an erotic experience report that they feel just as satisfied afterwards as after real sex.

For men who are in a relationship, it is sometimes important that sex with a doll is not cheating because it is an inanimate object. In addition, you don't have to be considerate when having sex with a real doll. You can try all kinds of practices, which is often not possible with a prostitute.

What are other advantages of a sex doll?

Love dolls are sex toys. When having sex with them, no person is forced to do anything against their will. According to studies, the majority of prostitutes do not work voluntarily. Sex dolls prevent rape and forced prostitution. Unlike humans, they are available at any time.

Health benefits

Sexual activity is scientifically proven to reduce the risk of health problems such as prostate cancer, elevated blood pressure, weakened immune systems, lack of sleep, headaches and more.

Doll owners are some of the most sexually active people. If you want to reap all the health benefits that regular sex can provide, purchasing a doll is one of the easiest and most effective ways to do so.

Additionally, dolls are great for building your sexual stamina and skills. You will become an expert in the bedroom and in this way your confidence in being intimate with women will be taken to a new level.

They also help reduce stress and relax. Knowing that someone at home is waiting for you without any ifs and buts allows you to get through even the hardest day at work.

Benefits for the psyche

Owning a doll is like having a constant companion who is always there for you. It's amazing how you can enjoy the presence of a lifelike doll. They can also be a great remedy for loneliness.

Especially for loners or people who prefer to enjoy their own company, it's great to know that there is someone they can show affection to without fear of rejection or having to live up to any expectations.

Lack of physical intimacy is one of the most common causes of depression in men and women. The feeling of loneliness is debilitating.

Doll users report that after becoming the owner of a high-end doll, they became much healthier both mentally and physically. As a rule, they sleep better, no longer have headaches and are in a better mood during the day than in previous years.

The hygienic aspect

Under the current circumstances, the hygiene aspect is also a big advantage. After use, the sex doll is disinfected. This makes the transmission of diseases almost impossible.

Sex symbol to touch / live out a fetish

Imagine your dream girl becoming a reality. This is how your doll can be. All men have a feminine ideal in mind and what man doesn't want to indulge his ultimate fantasy?

With a sex doll you can do just that. For example, you can have your individual real doll modeled after a sex symbol from the 1960s.

Do you have a special fetish? Do you have a preference for huge breasts? Or would you rather have very small breasts? Or are long legs the object of your desire? No matter what your fetish or personal preferences are, you'll get your money's worth with a custom-made love doll.

Are there also disadvantages?

The biggest downside is that these are dolls, not real people. Many people have to get used to it first. Manufacturers are also working intensively to eliminate this disadvantage by making the dolls more and more lifelike.

However, this also causes the second disadvantage. Real dolls are expensive. Top models cost several thousand euros. However, the price only seems so high at first glance. Men who want variety in sex and regularly escorts or go to brothels pay more for sex within a few months than for a sex doll.

High-quality sex dolls last several years if treated with care.

What's the future like?

It looks like sex dolls will be used more and more frequently in the future. In Japan they are already relatively widespread and accepted. There is the first brothel in Germany, the brothel in Dortmund, which offers sex with real dolls. According to the operator, demand is high and business is going well.

The comedian Faisal Kawusi got a taste of this very special establishment in his own humorous way. Predicate: entertaining.

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The customers include men from all classes and age groups of the population. Feminists should welcome this trend as it puts an end to the exploitation of women in the adult industry (many of them foreigners).

Sex robots, for example, are still something new these days. But does that have anything to do with love? And what actually happens when they gain artificial intelligence? The following video attempts to find answers to this.

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Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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