11 natural methods for more potency and sexual virility


If you are not satisfied with your potency or simply want to increase your sexual power a little, you are not alone. On the contrary! Many men dream of increasing their sexual performance and are tirelessly looking for ways, methods and tips to help their performance in bed reach new heights.

Some people want to get existing potency problems, erectile dysfunction or potency disorders (technically: erectile dysfunction ) under control and find their way back to their old strength. Others want to optimize themselves or increase their self-confidence.

11 natural methods for more potency and sexual virility
More sexual power in bed – what many men want
Simone Pellegrini @mazerone, Unsplash

A sexually demanding partner can also be the reason behind the desire for more stamina. The reasons and motives are very different. However, they all share a longing for more potency.

The dubious market for sexual enhancers

There are countless offers for pills and preparations of all kinds, especially on the Internet, some of which promise full-bodied and blatantly wonderful results. However, extreme caution is required here, especially with dubious dealers and alleged pharmacy websites from abroad.

In general, you should definitely stay away from over-the-counter pills and Viagra and go to your family doctor or specialist first. Taking potency-enhancing drugs without medical clearance can cause serious side effects and do more harm than good.

Potency drugs – which ones are there? And what do you actually do? A very good and extremely detailed overview is provided by an article from Doctip.de.

The better alternatives without side effects

When looking for a remedy for potency problems, it is often overlooked that it doesn't necessarily have to be a chemical solution. In fact, there are much simpler - and above all risk-free - options and methods to boost your virility without having to visit the pharmacy.

Remember that your penis and its firmness is directly affected by your blood pressure and circulation. Basically, it can be said that a circulatory system in top shape is the best prerequisite for strong stamina. Basically, what's good for your heart is also good for your sexual health.

This brings us to the natural methods and ways to have more momentum, vitality and endurance in bed.

Read on to explore easy, natural, side-effect-free ways to improve your sexual performance. I have put together the 11 most effective ones for you in this post.

In contrast to chemical aids, you will benefit from them in the long term and, in the best case, even permanently. At the same time, the positive effects will extend beyond your sex life into many other areas of life.

A healthy body and a relaxed mind are the most important building blocks on the way to becoming a tireless sex machine.

1. Activity, exercise, sport

You're definitely not hearing this for the first time. One of the best ways to sustainably improve your health is cardiovascular training (e.g. endurance training such as running, jogging, cycling).

Cardio training strengthens the heart and lungs. It can be operated indoors, regardless of the weather, with devices such as the treadmill or ergometer. But the most fun is in the great outdoors.

Sex can increase your heart rate, and is usually physically challenging as well. Regular exercise can significantly and permanently improve your sexual performance by keeping your heart in shape and strengthening your stamina. It just doesn't seem sexy when we men are already panting after 5 minutes of sex like a Saint Bernard after a rescue mission on the mountain.

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Just 30 minutes of sweating a day can do wonders for your libido. Running or swimming are best.

2. Strength training

Let's stick to the sweaty methods. In addition to cardio and endurance training, building strength and physical strength also creates an important foundation for sexual fitness.

Plus, there's a fitness rule that says if you want to increase your endurance, you also need to build your strength. A stronger body can withstand more, allowing you to “last” longer between the sheets.

While general strengthening of the entire body makes an important contribution, pelvic floor exercises and strengthening of the glutes and leg muscles to quickly increase sexual power.

pelvic floor

Your pelvic floor controls your genitals. So if you want to increase your sexual stamina, you need to build strong and flexible pelvic floor muscles.

These exercises are ideal:

  • Squats / squats
  • bridges
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Weak glutes can affect balance and stiffen the hips, affecting your performance in bed.

The best exercises include:

  • Squats
  • Weighted Lunges (lunges)
  • Hip extension / hip extension (from Pilates)

Quadriceps and hamstrings

Your quadriceps and hamstrings drive your hips and knees. The stronger these muscles are, the faster and longer you can exert yourself.

Focus on these exercises:

  • Leg press
  • Lunges
  • Step ups/climbers
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Flexibility and mobility

When building strength, do not neglect your body's flexibility and mobility and specifically incorporate appropriate exercises.

When your muscles are loose and flexible, you have a greater range of motion, which means you can do more - a lot more - in bed.

Suitable exercises:

  • Standing hamstring stretch
  • Reclining Butterfly (Reclining Bound Angle Pose) – exercise from yoga
  • Lunges with Twist
  • Triceps stretching exercises

3. Breath and tongue

These two things are often completely overlooked. However, breathing and tongue training can take your sex play skills to new levels.

Stick to exercises to calm your breathing and strengthen your tongue. Your next partner will thank you.

By controlling your breath, you can not only relax your mind, but also provide your muscles with more oxygen-rich blood. This can lead to a lower heart rate and, as a result, better overall performance in intimate local transport.

Strengthening your tongue can also help improve your breathing and increase your stamina for oral sex.

For a strong tongue, try these exercises:

  • Tongue retraction. Hold your tongue straight out and then pull it back into your mouth as far as possible. Hold this position for 2 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  • Push-ups for the tongue. Press the bottom of your tongue tip as hard as you can into the front of the roof of your mouth, just behind your teeth. Repeat 5 to 10 times.

4. Nutrition

What is inextricably linked to physical activity to get our fitness up to speed? Yes, that's right: the optimal supply of our body with the right nutrients. This works best with the right foods; dietary supplements should only be included in specific cases.

eating right is an important foundation.

Not interested in sophisticated nutrition plans? Then you can simply follow the following simple rule of thumb : be generous with fruit, vegetables, whole grain products and fish and at the same time be economical with red and processed meat and grains with short-chain carbohydrates (e.g. wheat, etc.).

Another tip: Chronic vitamin B12 deficiencies, such as those fostered by diets of mussels, salmon, trout, beef, white grains and yogurt, can damage the spinal cord and possibly affect the nerves responsible for sexual sensations and relay messages to the arteries in the penis.

Multivitamins and fortified foods are the best aids for those who have poor B12 absorption. This includes many older adults and people with atrophic gastritis, a condition that can affect almost one in three people aged 50 and over.

Also, make sure you get enough vitamin D, which is found in fortified milk or yogurt, eggs, cheese, and canned tuna. In addition, the amount of time spent in daylight is crucial for the absorption of vitamin D. A 2016 study found that men with vitamin D deficiency have a 30% higher risk of erectile dysfunction.

These foods and nutrients are good allies on the way to more sexual energy and stamina:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids . These unsaturated fatty acids increase blood circulation. You can find it in salmon, tuna, avocados, olive oil, flaxseeds, chia seeds, hemp, kale, spinach, walnuts and mussels.
  • Vitamin B-1 : This vitamin helps transmit signals in your nervous system. This includes signals from the brain to the penis. It is found in peanuts and kidney beans.
  • B vitamins : especially B1-B5 and B12. Eggs are rich in B vitamins and help balance hormone levels. This can relieve stress, which often gets in the way of a firm erection. Lean meat, fish, poultry, avocado, dairy products and green, leafy vegetables are also excellent sources of vitamin B
  • Capsaicin : found in most hot peppers and increases sexual stamina and accelerates regeneration. Capsaicin is found primarily in chili peppers, sweet peppers and ginger roots.
  • Potassium : As one of the body's most important electrolytes, potassium keeps your muscles and cells hydrated, aids in recovery, and boosts metabolism - all of which are important if you want to maintain your endurance. Bananas, melons, spinach, broccoli, white potatoes, tomatoes, carrots, low-fat milk, yogurt and millet are rich in potassium.
  • L-Citrulline : Research has shown that L-Citrulline, a naturally occurring amino acid, can increase strength and endurance. It can also help maintain an erection. Foods high in L-citrulline include watermelon, onions and garlic, legumes and nuts, salmon and red meat, and dark chocolate.
  • L-Arginine : The body converts L-citrulline into L-arginine, another amino acid that improves blood circulation and builds protein. Foods high in L-arginine include red meat, fish and poultry, soy, whole grains, beans, milk, yogurt and other dairy products.
  • Nitrates : Nitrates improve your muscles' oxygen consumption, which can improve your performance - in and out of the bedroom. Found in arugula, chard and other leafy vegetables, in beets and beet juice, rhubarb, carrots, eggplant and celery.
  • Magnesium : Magnesium is an essential nutrient that plays a key role in everything from energy metabolism to maintaining brain function. When your magnesium levels are low, you become exhausted more quickly. Magnesium is primarily found in whole grains, spinach and other dark leafy vegetables, millet, almonds, cashews and peanuts, black beans and edamame.

Patric Heizmann gives even more tips on the topic in his Wiki-Eat video:

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Little exotic helpers – herbs and superfoods

Numerous herbs and exotic superfoods have a stimulating and activating effect on our bodies. If it's not just a coincidence that you find yourself traveling to distant countries and regions to get what you need, and a trip to the supermarket doesn't help you, then nutritional supplements will help you.

The following foods and supplements awaken your superpowers:

  • Damiana : This subtropical plant is believed to increase sexual desire and stamina during lovemaking.
  • Guarana : the Brazilian plant has high caffeine content, which is thought to increase energy and libido.
  • Maca : this highly nutritious Peruvian plant is considered a sex drive enhancer. XNXX 4 MEN – Men Power Performance Caps are a natural supplement that takes advantage of the potency-increasing effect of Maca powder and is said to lead to a harder and longer erection
  • Ginseng : This slow-growing, short plant is believed to improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction.
  • Catuaba : this small tree from Brazil is considered an aphrodisiac. It can help treat erectile dysfunction.
  • Lycium : Chinese fruit plant, also known as goji berry, is said to increase testosterone levels and treat potency problems.
  • Ginkgo biloba : the Chinese plant extract can boost your sex drive and increase brain performance and energy supply.
  • Ashwagandha : this lesser-known evergreen shrub is said to improve libido and stamina by regulating sex hormones.

5. Reduce stress/reduce anxiety

Stress can affect all areas of your health, including your libido. Stress increases your heart rate (in a bad way) and blood pressure. Both damage sexual desire and performance.

Psychological stress can also impact the ability to achieve an erection or orgasm .

Anxiety and stress - especially over long periods of time - can make it difficult or impossible to get or maintain an erection. These feelings can also deter people from sexual intimacy or prevent sexual desire from arising.

This problem is unfortunately widespread in our hectic and demanding world, but is often pushed away or swept under the table. A big mistake!

If the man is also afraid of not performing well enough or even failing during sex, blockages arise and an unpleasant outcome is inevitable.

Stress can also trigger bad habits and harmful compensatory behavior such as smoking or excessive alcohol consumption. This further impairs sexual performance.

What can you do about stress, inner restlessness and feelings of anxiety?

Physical activity and sports are an excellent way to reduce stress and improve your health.

Open conversations with your partner about your worries and fears are also extremely helpful. This will help you calm yourself while strengthening your relationship.

Further strategies for successfully dealing with fear, pressure and stress:

  • Focusing on physical sensations rather than sexual performance
  • More sleep and sufficient recovery periods
  • Work on the relationship together / actively seek conversations
  • Meditation, mindfulness exercises, relaxation techniques, breathing techniques
  • Spend more time on a favorite hobby
  • Go to therapy
  • If necessary, taking psychotropic medication (necessarily in consultation with a psychiatrist)
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6. Break bad habits

By bad habits I primarily mean smoking and excessive alcohol consumption . If you use it in particular to relax (e.g. directly before lovemaking), then this can quickly backfire and affect your sexual performance.

While studies suggest that a little red wine can improve blood circulation, too much alcohol has mainly detrimental effects. So your romantic partner won't necessarily think it's great if you fall asleep in her lap during foreplay because you've consumed a whole bottle of wine or more beforehand. Drinking alcohol also causes a decrease in sensitivity, which takes away a good portion of enjoyment.

Smoking cigarettes can most likely lead to high blood pressure and other heart problems, which ultimately lead to erectile dysfunction.

Smoking is closely linked to erectile dysfunction. A 2015 analysis of 13 studies on smoking and sexual performance found that smoking cessation often improves sexual function and reduces erectile dysfunction.

All kinds of stimulants constrict blood vessels and are often associated with impotence. Reducing or quitting smoking is one of the first steps to improving performance.

Replacing bad habits with healthy habits like exercise and eating well can greatly benefit sexual health.

7. Sex is more than just coitus

Be responsive to your partner. Sex is a two-way street. Paying special attention to your partner's wants and needs will not only make sex more fun for him/her, but it can also turn you on and give you an extra boost. One can speak of a win-win situation here.

If you talk about it beforehand, you can avoid inconveniences if, for example, you need to slow down in a hot moment. How to prolong lovemaking.

Alternating pace or focusing on your partner during a break can lead to a more enjoyable experience for both of you.

Sexual pleasure thrives in an environment of passion and excitement.

When someone has been with a partner for a long time, sex can feel routine, and it seems increasingly difficult to feel aroused, stay focused, or please your partner.

It can be helpful to try a new sexual activity or position, or to practice sex in a different location. Talking about sexual fantasies can also make sex more exciting, unusual and rekindle the fire.

Apart from that, it is incredibly enriching to do something new with your partner outside of the bedroom, for example

  • Cook together
  • Kayaking or hiking
  • visit a museum or an exhibition
  • see a new band
  • try a new sport

Doing things together and sharing new experiences helps us feel more connected to one another. This stimulation from the new activity can carry over into the bedroom.

8. Masturbation and delaying orgasm

Masturbate regularly to improve your stamina.

If you don't last as long in bed as you'd like, you may need some practice.

While sex is the best way to get practice at sex, masturbation is the second best way to improve your control over your orgasm and thus prolong lovemaking.

However, since it depends on the technique and exercises for masturbation in order to achieve the desired results, you should find out more about it. This would go beyond the scope of this article, so we will not describe various methods here.

How to delay orgasm during lovemaking:

Try the start-stop technique . Men who want to last longer during sexual intercourse are very fond of the so-called start-stop technique.

To use this technique, stop sexual activity every time ejaculation is imminent. Then take a deep breath and start again slowly, then pause again to delay ejaculation for as long as desired.

This method can train the body to stop ejaculation and help men feel more comfortable during intense sexual activity, even if they don't ejaculate immediately.

Firmly gripping the base of the penis also help prevent premature ejaculation. If you squeeze at the base, you will lose part of your erection and will no longer be able to reach climax.

Remember: the journey is the destination here too. Learn to enjoy the journey!

Lubricants can also make sex more intense, longer and more exciting by reducing friction. Certain lubricants, such as desensitizers, can also help your erection last longer.

9. The magic of foreplay

Some men believe that penetration is the most important part of sexual intercourse.

However, many people with erectile dysfunction can now be encouraged because you don't need an erection to please a partner. In fact, erectile dysfunction can even be an incentive to try new strategies that may even work better for your partner. One such strategy is to focus on extensive foreplay.

Foreplay can touching , kissing , and oral sex . Giving yourself plenty of time for foreplay can improve the sexual experience for everyone involved.

Foreplay is especially important for women. A 2017 study found that very few women — about 18 percent — experience orgasm from intercourse alone. According to the same findings, 36.6 percent of women said that clitoral stimulation was necessary for orgasm during sexual intercourse.

Joachim D.https://www.dating-vergleich.com
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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