The fine art of flirting – basic rules and tips for advanced users


The best flirting tips

People are increasingly establishing contact and flirting via apps and social media in order to find exclusive companion After all, flirting is almost always the first step in this direction.

Because it is a chat, there is a safe distance and, combined with the knowledge that there is a mutual visual attraction, a feeling of security arises.

There is always enough time to find a suitable answer and hide your nervousness behind the virtual facade.

When it comes to a meeting, it is important to overcome the fear of language and use the right flirting skills after an original conversation starter that avoids clichéd sayings or empty phrases.

Since many guides cause confusion and uncertainty about what real flirting is and how difficult it actually is, it is important to know that the whole process is based on a few basic rules. Flirting is a complex combination of gestures and words that is always new and always different.

The situation is as individual as the people flirting, who each prefer different signals and a different pace.

Flirting is a complex combination of gestures and words
Flirting is a complex combination of gestures and words
Photo by Eliott Reyna @eliottreyna, via Unsplash

Basic rules that serve as orientation

A healthy self-confidence is very attractive. If there are uncertainties, it makes sense to become aware of your strengths. This has an effect of contentment and relaxation, which also influences the aura, which appears calm and relaxed.

This property brings with it further advantages. Being able to make decisions and set concrete suggestions for a date and meeting point shows leadership potential and reduces the risk of rejection.

Sovereignty also includes remaining authentic and sticking to your wishes and views, reflecting and showing a willingness to compromise.

Being a little reserved instead of boasting about successes and financial well-being, for example, is highly advisable in order to ensure that the date continues to be successful. In addition to actions and body language, interest and attention are shown by listening, following up on what is being said and asking questions.

A positive mood and joy are fundamental, while difficult topics must be excluded from the flirt zone.

The restraint also affects the external appearance. Bright colors and unusual styling should be avoided. Attention should also be paid to body care, facial care and a subtle, well-dosed perfume.

Subtle and spontaneously placed compliments during eye contact, which should never be intrusive or staring, have a great impact. Rehearsed phrases and exuberance are not taken seriously. Disrespect, carelessness and self-absorption also make any flirtation fade.

In addition, ambiguous jokes or statements are very detrimental. The basis for a successful flirt is appreciation, which is reflected in a lively, passionate conversation.

Facial play and physical contact

Facial expressions are an important part of flirting. Smiling a lot, conveying a positive expression and maintaining eye contact that appears relaxed and unobtrusive has a lot of influence on what happens next.

The physical contact should be subtle at the beginning, but still make it clear that there are more than just friendly intentions. This can be a subtle touch on the arms, shoulders, or upper back.

If there is no rejection at this moment, it makes sense to go one step further and extend the physical contact to the hands, waist and hips.

Joachim D.
Online editor, copywriter and publicist in the field of online dating since 2012. Passionate blogger for over 10 years with diverse interests and many years of expertise in the market for dating sites, dating apps, dating agencies and flirt chats through hundreds of product tests, expert interviews and intensive research over more than a decade .

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