How do preferences affect partner choice? A digression


The search for the right partner can take a long time. Sometimes you are too picky yourself, sometimes the other person shows little interest. Your own preferences play a decisive role in choosing a partner, but what exactly do they look like? And how important is the partner's preference?

From scientific explanations to supernatural approaches, choosing a partner extremely complicated.

Are there differences between the sexes and if so, how can these be explained?

Do different factors play a role for women than for men?
Do different factors play a role for women than for men?
© artburger (Fotolia)

Aspects of a happy relationship between a man and a woman are highly subjective. On the one hand, there are biological tasks that are clearly distributed.

The woman is responsible for bearing the child, while the man fathers it by impregnating the woman. It is not always easy to find the right partner for this.

Especially in hectic times like today, when work and leisure often overlap, intimate togetherness is primarily the result of open communication and acceptance of each other's living conditions. Women can regularly be more selective , and “she is looking for him” is becoming more and more important in relationships.

Many people find support in astrology . Most people are particularly familiar with the birthday horoscope , and love horoscopes are also often heavily included. Astrology can also provide answers as to which character traits, for example, make two people more likely to be compatible.

The question, “who suits whom?” is answered with important aspects of the ascendant.

Love is and remains different from person to person, so even two partners with different ideas can find each other in a way that suits them. For thousands of years, horoscopes have been one of the small “tools” to help you “give a boost” to your luck. In order to outline the topic in more detail, we would like to address further characteristics of choosing a partner in the following paragraphs.

Decisive factors when choosing a partner

The following factors show that one's own taste is not so subjective and that there are clear patterns when choosing a partner. Across cultures, there are factors that are equally preferred by men and women. Appearance is usually the first possible selection criterion and is therefore the most practical pre-selection. There are clear signals that are then interpreted consciously or unconsciously.

In principle, a symmetrical and even face is an important first selection criterion, which is preferred by both sexes. An even complexion also appeals to potential partners in both sexes.

Men are usually attracted to beautiful and plump lips. Well-formed and graceful cheeks appeal to the male gender, as does the symmetrical shape of the breasts. The shape of the waist in relation to the hips is also crucial. Men often use these criteria to decide whether a woman is suitable for reproduction - and therefore, in the long term, for choosing a partner.

What are the decisive factors when choosing a partner?
What factors bring couples together?
© drubig-photo (Fotolia)

Women's choice of partner is also determined by simple and quick, superficial criteria, but there are further distinctions that are controlled by the hormonal situation in the body. The strong jawline and eyebrows of men initially signal to women that they have high testosterone levels.

However, the “masculine” appearance is not always what is sought. During the ovulation phase and in the surrounding days, this appearance is often advantageous, while on other days a slightly softer overall appearance is advantageous and is seen more positively for a relationship.

Other important factors when choosing a partner are scent and voice preferences . The scent can also be explained by the other person via biological properties of the body. Therefore, in many cases the body unconsciously recognizes how its own immune system is equipped. In order to produce children that are as healthy as possible, it is an advantage to have a contrasting immune system, so that a corresponding classification can be made smell

What matters after the initial encounter?

Of course, the initial impression is important, but by no means everything has the same impact on the choice of partner. The decisions for a long-term commitment to a partner are not made within a few seconds; they require further consideration.

The more matches there are, the better the conditions. But many people know from practice that sometimes it's just the right moment that counts. Many people use horoscopes and other methods to find the “right star”.

What role do zodiac signs play in choosing a partner?
What role do zodiac signs play in choosing a partner?
© julijacernjaka (Fotolia)

Even if many connections make sense from a biological perspective, sometimes it just fits, even if there are countless better overlaps. Of course, your own preferences are important here, but sometimes the connection to the new, potential partner is simply on a spiritual level. The dating app Align – Astrological Dating primarily takes into account whether the zodiac signs match each other and therefore whether the stars are proverbially aligned for a partnership.

Personalized horoscopes, for example, can set an important course, as they often have a lot to do with your mood and mood when falling in love. They help to focus on the self.

What is particularly important here is the significance of the zodiac signs.

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