
Flirt Glossary – Affair

In the context of love and relationships, the term affair refers to a sexual love adventure that often takes place at the same time as an existing relationship.

An affair is usually a short and fast-paced, often purely sexual connection. An affair is a secret and hidden thing that would be very unpleasant for the betrayed romantic partner if it were discovered. It can damage or even destroy an existing relationship.

The partner is often emotionally conflicted about the affair. This arises from the feeling that you don't want to lose your current partner, otherwise you might just end up breaking up with him. In fact, something is missing in the relationship, otherwise there wouldn't be an affair.

Often this is a feeling of sexual attraction, fulfillment or satisfaction.
The desire for adventure or the longing for variety can also be motivators. An affair can be the ultimate thrill, but for many people it can also be stressful and nerve-wracking after a while. That is why such a primarily sexual relationship is usually limited in time and does not last very long.

The tragic thing about an affair is that it happens or can happen in every marriage, no matter how great it seems! Nobody is really protected from this.

One of the most famous and spicy sexual affairs is the Lewinsky affair. The Lewinsky affair was a political affair in the United States over allegations that President Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with intern Monica Lewinsky. This was proven during the course of the prosecution, although he initially denied this sexual relationship under oath.