
Online Dating Glossary – Taboo

The word originally comes from the South Seas and referred to things that must be strictly avoided because they have dangerous powers or things that are forbidden. James Cook brought the term to Europe at the end of the 18th century and here it quickly found its way into everyday language.

Taboos are laws that apply unspokenly without the need for specific justification, such as sexual relations with children or incest. Many taboos have found their way into legislation. Originally they existed simply because they were social consensus. Anyone who broke such an unspoken law was ostracized or cast out by the others.

There can also be taboos in a relationship between two people. The less you talk to each other, the greater the risk of things becoming unsaid. Simply by not talking about it. The supposed taboos lead you to avoid things that might not be a problem at all. That's why you talk to each other. Also about your taboo areas. This increases understanding and respect for each other. You can then not accidentally violate these boundaries.

On the other hand, it can be fun to explore your boundaries together and maybe even push them back a bit. Behind some personal taboos, the world is a little more colorful.