Body cult

Online Dating Glossary – Body Cult

Body cult means something different to everyone. What they all have in common is presenting a beautiful, well-groomed, special appearance to the outside world. Beautiful people with perfect bodies are portrayed, especially in the media.

Bodybuilding Mr. Universe Competition
Bodybuilding Mr. Universe Competition

Some exercise, eat healthily and go on diets. For others, it's tattoos and piercings that they show off.

Body cult is constantly changing and is now reaching ever more extreme levels due to the frightening increase in cosmetic surgeries such as lip injections, liposuction, and the insertion of implants in various parts of the body.

Many people are exposed to a lot of pressure to conform to a certain image in society.

The body cult, especially among celebrities, influences young people and adults alike and often leads to illnesses such as depression or eating disorders.