
Flirt Glossary – What is Submarining?

Submarining is also a dating tactic that can get on your last nerve. Because with this behavior, the dating partner doesn't contact you for months and sends a message all of a sudden and without warning. According to the motto: Hey, would you like a coffee? When you then report back, it can happen that nothing happens at first and you wait again for weeks. On what actually?

The dating partner simply dives underwater, like a submarine, and that's where the name comes from, the English word for submarine. Not only did the Beatles sing about it, but it found its way into the dating vocabulary because those affected simply didn't know a better word to describe what was going on. Like a submarine making its rounds and making its mysterious tours, the dating partners appear out of nowhere only to immediately disappear under the surface again.

Actually, you could save yourself the trouble of answering, because with a submarine you never know when and if it will show up in your fishing grounds again. Anyone affected by submarines can actually only go into radio silence.

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